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Week 2

Hello Year 4 and welcome to Week 2. I hope you had a chance to get through some of the work I set for you last week and that you've also been keeping safe and spending time with your families! Here are some activities for the week ahead to keep you going.



Last week, you watched a video of Jesus washing the feet of his disciples. This happened at the Last Supper, the night before Jesus died on the cross. This week I would like you to watch the video of the Stations of the Cross to remind you of what you learned with Father in church. Then you have a video about the story of Easter - I would like you to focus on Jesus dying on the cross.


Imagine you are one of the people watching the crucifixion of Jesus from a distance. Write an account for your friends about what happened on that day, how it felt and what you think it means.



I hope you enjoyed writing your own 'Wonder' stories last week and I'm sure they turned out great! Make sure you keep them safe so that we can share them with one another back in school.

For this week's English task - homophones! I hope we remember what these are!


Do the two sheets first and only when you are finished and have had a go, pretend to get your purple pen out and mark your work!


Some tips:

Where - where something is

Were - we were at the shop, we were tired

We're - we are

Wear - to wear clothing

Your - belonging to you

You're - you are



The video below will introduce you to Perimeter. It is from the Espresso Discovery website. You can also find it through the website by going to KS2 - Maths - Area and Perimeter - Videos - What is Perimeter?


Have a watch, then have a go at working out the perimeters of the shapes on the worksheet.



Last week you were learning about conductors and insulators. This week you are learning about switches in a circuit.


Please watch the video on Espresso Discovery - KS2 - Science - Electricity (Lower) - Videos - Switches

After watching, can you write your own account about how a switch works in a circuit to show your understanding? Can you draw and label a diagram of a circuit with a switch to help with your explanation?


Then you can have a go at challenging your own learning so far on how circuits work with the following game:



Not quite our Iron Man - but looks fun!

You will need paper, a pencil and colouring pencils or markers



Until next week! Look after yourselves Year 4!


Miss Murphy, Mrs Walsh & Ms Johnson xx
