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Week 5

Come and See - Pentecost - Transforming Energy


What does the word ‘transform’ means?  What does the word ‘energy’ mean?  We and the world we live in are full of energy which can be transformed to good use for us and the natural world. Talk about this with someone in your house. 

Maths - Fractions, Decimals and Percentages


Ok year 5, this is a challenge! We haven't done any work on percentages yet, but they are super easy! Read through my powerpoint below and then try your best at the work sheet! Ask your grown ups to help you!

Have a try of this worksheet

English - Expanded noun phrases revision


An expanded noun phrase is a phrase made up of a noun and at least one adjective.


If one or more adjectives are listed to describe the noun, a comma should be added to separate the sentence.


for example: I could see a dark, gloom house.
