The True Story of The Three Little Pigs
We are starting with a 'twisted fairytale' theme this year! Children will have the opportunity to write their own 'twisted fairy tale'!
The Iron Man
The children will create newspaper reports and also look at writing from the perspective of different characters, instructions and grammar and punctuation elements such as speech marks.
By the end of this term, year 4 children should know their tables up to 12x12. The children are being formally tested on these in the summer term in line with new government regulations, so please help at home!
Core Maths - Addition and subtraction, multiplication and division, place value and measurement (area).
Arithmetic - Daily addition, subtraction, multiplication and division practise.
Collecting, exploring and recording data
Digital communication and the web
States of matter
Changing sound
Physical Education
Mamma Mia
Weekly trumpet lessons
Creative Themes
Geography - Our European Neighbours