Hello Year 3,
Well it seems really funny writing to you on the web page instead of sitting at the front of the class seeing all your smiling faces. I really miss you all, but we have to keep safe and do as our Prime Minster, Boris Johnson says and keep safe.
You all got a pack to keep you busy, but here are a few extra things you can be doing at home to keep your brain busy!
For those children who managed to finish Bill’s New Frock with me and watch the film, you know the ending. But those of you who did not see it, Watch this and then what I would like you to do is compare the film to the book so far. If you were in class with me, you compare right up to the end. The film is quite different from the book in places and some parts are the same. You could divide your page in half and put the heading book – film.
When you have done this, write a book review, did you like the book? would you recommend it? What part did you like the best? Why?
Next week, I will put some more extra things for you to do.
Take care,
Mrs Linford and Mrs Bellis.
'Don't worry, about Corona virus, because everything little thing, is gonna be alright, if you wash your hands1' I can hear you all singing this at home from our music lesson in the last week. xxx