Hi Year 4,
I hope you are all well and keeping safe!
You should have received a text on Thursday about collecting your new work packs for the next three weeks. If you haven't collected yours yet, make sure you come and get it from school. They are all at the office waiting to be collected!
Look after yourselves and keep doing the work that you can - we're all so proud of you and we miss you all so much!
Miss Murphy, Mrs Walsh & Ms Johnson xxx
Come and See
In your new packs for this week, you will see that we are starting a new topic called 'Building Bridges'.
You have your Big Question to write down your ideas for to start you off just as we normally do - write down all of the ideas and thoughts that you can!
After that, you also have story to read about building bridges of friendship. Make sure that you have a go at answering the questions and completing the activity that has been set out for you.
In your new work packs, you have work to complete on suffixes, fact and opinion, recognising formal and informal writing, subordinating conjunctions and a comprehension on the Titanic to do.
I have put some videos below to help you with some of these:
As you will see in your new packs, we have started a bit of work on fractions! I don't want any of you to panic - I have kept it nice and easy with just some revision from Year 3 to start as I know you will feel a bit rusty with it!
You have work on making a whole, shaded fractions, unit and non-unit fractions, tenths and you also have an arithmetic sheet to do on the Friday!
Below are some videos to either help you if you find yourself very stuck, or if you have felt confident enough to have a go first, you can watch the videos to mark your work and see how you got on!
In your packs, you have two tasks to do for science this week.
The first task is a matching activity! You will have a set of habitat cards, animal cards and riddle cards.
You can either cut the cards out at home (with the help of an adult) and match them up, or you could find a way of maybe drawing lines to match up the cards! It's up to you how you match them - just have a go!
Your second task asks you to go for a walk around your local area with an adult and record different habitats you spot!
On Espresso Discovery, there is a page on habitats with lots of games and activities to complete. Go and have a look - this will help you when you are out and trying to spot different habitats! The link for the site is below:
We have started a new Geography topic and it's called 'Investigating Our Local Area' - it ties in nicely with what we are covering in Science at the moment too!
I have put on the links below that you were given in your packs to access the maps. Try clicking on the links or copy and paste them into google: