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Summer Term Week 1

Hello Year 6

Welcome to our Summer term! I hope you all had a relaxing time off over the Easter Holidays and managed to do some fun activities. We are so lucky that the weather has been so beautiful so I hope you have been managing to get out for walks for your daily exercise. 

I hope you can all access our new school blog - I can some of you have already posted so well done! You can add pictures on there too - I would love to see some pictures of what you have been doing and pictures of your work.

We will be taking part in a skipping challenge that will start from today! Ask somebody to film you skipping for 30 seconds - how many skips can you do in the time? Can you beat your score each day? I'll be uploading my own video later on (as will our other teachers) so look out for them if you want to have a laugh :) Go to the video area of the home learning site.

Here are your activities for home learning this week.




I have set, through SATs companion, a spelling challenge based on 'shul' 'shun' and 'shus' words so do please complete it - there is a certificate awarded if you manage to 70% or above of the questions right! I do hope you are all still using spelling shed to practice different spellings and patterns?


Writing - Look at the picture in the image below. Using DADWAVERS, can you create your own descriptive paragraph to describe the picture? I would love to see your writing uploaded onto our blog! You can see my example in the image. I really enjoyed writing this :) Don't forget to use your beautiful handwriting for presentation. I look forward to seeing them...




I have added into SATs companion an arithmetic paper to be completed by next Monday. When you log in, go to tests to find this. I will be able to see and assess your scores so good luck! Don't forget to have paper and a pen next to you so you can work it out properly.


Please go into the revision videos section on SATs companion and refresh your mind on our fractions work as I will be setting work based on this next week!

Have a go at this maths challenge.. Good Luck!


Aztec Art

Can you create your own Aztec calendar? Use this lovely example as a basis for your own.


I would love to see yours uploaded onto our blogging site!


Have a lovely week everyone and stay in touch :) 
