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Our Lady, Star of the Sea

Catholic Primary School

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Mission Statement and Values



“Shining in the light of Jesus, as we learn, grow and love.”



Our Mission Statement


The mission of Our Lady, Star of the Sea Catholic Primary School is that of Jesus Christ, to build a teaching and learning community where the uniqueness and dignity of each person is recognised and where our 'Star Core Values:' Respect, Kindness, Aspire, Responsibility and Passion are at the heart of everything we do.


At Our Lady Star of the Sea Catholic Primary School we expect all our pupils to respect and care for one another:


  • To take pride in themselves, their school and the community they live in.


  • We teach our pupils to strive to achieve their full potential; to build on their talents and aspire to be ambitious.


  • We encourage our pupils to ignite possibilities; use their voice to make a difference and to be stewards of God’s world.


We aim to fulfil our mission with a consistent approach to our routines and practices and within all aspects of school life.


Pupil Well-being: ‘I am wonderfully made.’ Psalm 139:14


We Value:We aim to:
InclusivityEncourage, value and nurture each child as unique who are wonderfully made in God’s image.
SafetyProvide a safe environment where the Good News of Our Lord Jesus Christ is named and celebrated within all aspect of school life
EqualityPromote tolerance and respect for individual differences, abilities, needs and beliefs 
Pastoral SupportProvide pastoral care for all our pupils and families

Mental Health &


Provide support pupils’ mental health and well being and liaise with external agencies to provide targeted intervention
Pupil VoiceEnsure everyone has a voice and their contribution is valued 
RelationshipsPromote safe and loving relationships through our RSHE curriculum and Journey in Love programme.
ResilienceDevelop our pupils to be resilient through problem solving and real-life experiences.
Prayer and Worsip

Promote an atmosphere of prayer and daily worship and reflection.


We model and encourage a life-long faith journey providing support and opportunities for children on their faith and sacramental journeys



Education: ‘Aspire not to have more, but to be more.’ St. Oscar Romero.

We Value:We aim to:
LearningGive each child full access to a broad, balanced, creative and child centred curriculum enabling each child to fulfil their potential.
Religious EducationLive and share the values of the Gospel and British values through our curriculum, our Religious Education programme- ‘Come and See’, our RSHE curriculum and our focus weeks
CreatvitiyThink outside the box and try new ideas to continuously raise standards 
ChallengeCreate nurturing, challenging and empowering learning opportunities for children, staff and parents 
AchievementCelebrate the achievements and successes of each individual
ReflectionImprove future performance through the continuous evaluation of our practice
AspirationInspire our pupils to set goals and aspire to be more.


Wider Opportunities: ‘As stewards of God’s creation, we are called to make the earth a beautiful garden for the human family.’ Pope Francis.

We Value:We aim to:
TransitionEquip children and families with the knowledge, skills, independence and resilience to face future challenges and transition to each stage in their learning journey
CommunityFoster positive working relationships with parents, multi-agency professionals and the local community 
CharityEmpower staff and pupils to lead on making a difference through our charity work and humanity rich curriculum

Provide an open-door policy, whilst safeguarding all members of our school community


Form and sustain strong partnerships between children, parents, staff, governors, parish and the local and wider community.

ConservationBe proactive at raising awareness of conservation and global issues; to be stewards of God.
EnterpriseBuild on pupils’ ideas, skills and attitudes to help them to plan and problem solve to make a difference
ResponsibilitySecure the accountability of all through distributive leadership, rigorous monitoring and evaluation 









