“Shining in the light of Jesus, as we learn, grow and love.”
Our Mission Statement
The mission of Our Lady, Star of the Sea Catholic Primary School is that of Jesus Christ, to build a teaching and learning community where the uniqueness and dignity of each person is recognised and the Gospel values of love, justice, mutual respect, acceptance and forgiveness are at the heart of everything we do.
Displayed around our school are symbols of this mission to which the whole school community have contributed. They identify the values we promote together with this statement/Motto: “Shining in the light of Jesus, as we learn, grow and love.”
We aim to fulfil our mission with a consistent approach to our routines and practices and within all aspects of school life.
Christ and Gospel Values
We aim to:
Provide a safe environment where the Good News of Our Lord Jesus Christ is named and celebrated within all aspect of school life.
Encourage, value and nurture each person.
Live and share the values of the Gospel and British values through our curriculum, our Religious Education programme- ‘Come and See’, our Personal Social Health and Citizenship programme and our focus weeks. (Evidence in our curriculum plans)
- Building a welcoming school community and environment where love, justice, mutual respect, acceptance, forgiveness and dignity is a living reality apparent in the quality of the relationships and outlook on the life we live and foster as Christians and British citizens.
- Providing support and opportunities for children on their faith and sacramental journeys.
- Teaching and celebrating the Liturgical Year.
- Promoting an atmosphere of prayer and daily worship and reflection.
- Modelling and encouraging a life-long faith journey
We aim to:
Provide a rich learning environment where the whole school community feel valued, happy and aspire to be the best that they can be.
Give each child full access to a broad, balanced, creative and child centred curriculum enabling each child to fulfil their potential.
Recognise and celebrate the uniqueness of each child.
Provide opportunities for all children to grow in confidence, dignity and self-respect with a healthy understanding of the world we live in.
Recognise parents as the first educators of their children.
- Provide, stimulating, challenging and differentiated learning experiences.
- Ensure the learning environment is safe and secure.]
- Providing children with ample opportunities to apply their knowledge and skills and deepen their understanding through cross-curricular studies.
- Equal opportunities regardless of race, gender, faiths, individual need or background.
- Recognise and celebrate the uniqueness of each child.
- Enable individuals to realise their full potential.
- Providing opportunities for parents to grow in confidence supporting their child’s education through the open-door policy, regular newsletters, information on the school website, curriculum statements, parents evenings and reports.
- Deliver a curriculum that is relevant, varied, stimulating balanced and appropriate to every child’s need.
- Promote respect and acceptance of different ways of life within the wider community and globally.
We aim to:
Develop and maintain strong and honest relationships and friendships with all members of our school, parish the local and wider community.
Raise awareness and support our neighbours around the world.
Encourage a genuine respect and pride in ourselves and the communities and environment in which we live.
- Providing an open door policy, whilst safeguarding all members of our school community
- Forming and sustaining strong partnerships between children, parents, staff, governors, parish and the local and wider community.
- Respecting difference as stated in the SEND and Inclusion Policy, Behaviour Policy and Code of Conduct
- Delivering the Universal Church topics of ‘Come and See’
- Participating as a school in projects which focus on the needs of others e.g. CAFOD, The Whitechapel Centre, and a variety of local and national charities including fundraising events.
- Providing opportunities and encouraging individuals to be involved in the wider community and the rich heritage of the city that they live in.
- Inviting parents and parishioners and members of the local and wider community to celebrations, Collective Worship and opportunities to join in the life and work of the school.
- Encouraging a readiness to share in events and celebrations.
- Modelling respect and acceptance of others.