Brief Overview
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Fiction 1– Cultural Stories Flat Stanley and his adventures - to use imaginative description to create characters and plot. Use similes effectively. to organise writing effectively - use connectives that signal time, shift attention or inject suspense. To use paragraphs - to organise paragraphs around a theme. To use sentences appropriately - to use direct speech and punctuate it accurately. Fiction 2 – The Green Ship Non- Fiction – Letters, Greek Holiday Guides - to organise writing appropriately - to use organisational devises such as headings and sub headings. To write for a purpose - use the main features of the text identified Poetry – Limericks Spoken Language Persuasive Posters - To write for a purpose - use the main features of the text identified. Presentation |
Maths White Rose Hub Number - Fractions – 3 weeks Measurement – Time – 3 weeks Geometry – Properties of shapes -2 weeks Measurement – mass and capacity – 3 weeks Science Plants - to be able to identify the different parts of a flowering plant and explain their functions. To be able to set up an investigation and make predictions, make observations and conclusions. Identify and describe the life cycle of flowering plants. Be able to answer questions on their learning. Magnets - to be able to identify a simple force to carry out an action. Investigate the force/friction of different surfaces. To explain that magnets produce invisible forces. identify magnetic materials, identify different magnets. Investigate strength of magnets, identify that magnets will repel or attract depending upon their poles, construct a bar chart of their results. Explain their results and predictions Scientists and Inventors Creative Themes Ancient Greece - Who were the Greeks? Geography- to investigate places modern to past. - Ask and answer geographical questions about the physical and human characteristics of a location. Use maps, atlases, globes and digital/computer mapping to locate countries and describe features. Ask and answer geographical questions about the physical and human characteristics of a location. Use maps, atlases, globes and digital/computer mapping to locate countries and describe features. History - To understand chronology - Use more than one source of evidence for historical enquiry in order to gain a more accurate understanding of history To understand the concept of change over time, representing this along with evidence, on a time line to build and overview of world history - describe the social, ethnic, social, religious or cultural diversity of a past society. Describe the characteristic features of the past including ideas, beliefs and attitudes and beliefs of men women and children.Computing Programming and control - Digital Learning - Create, share content. ICT for learning, impact skills - Share information, produce/edit media, program, problem solve. Coding, programming and gaming- Digital Learning - Create, share content. ICT for learning, impact skills - Share information, produce/edit media, program, problem solve. PHSE Living in the Wider World - Rights and Responsibilities - learn about Human Rights, appreciate the difference and diversity of people living in the U.K Stranger Danger P.E Athletics , Tennis, Dance, Yoga Design and Technology Structures - Making a Greek Pot - investigate Greek Pots, design and function. Practise 2 techniques of how to make own pot. Select Technique, design, create own pot. Investigate art designs, choose and paint. Evaluate design, discuss design and share with others to evaluate their designs. Spanish Self, family and friends |