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Our Lady, Star of the Sea

Catholic Primary School

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Year 5

Welcome to Year 5!



Class Teacher

Mrs Crockwell

Mrs Campbell


Teaching Assistant

Mrs Walsh

Miss Johnson


A great start for Year 5 - let's keep it up during Spring Term. Year 5 is a very important school year as it provides the basis for the transition into Year 6. We have a lot of exciting and challenging learning to get through.


Thank you for your anticipated support. Please do not hesitate to make an appointment at the office to see us if you have any questions or concerns.


Key information:



  • Wednesday- P.E -Come to school in P.E Kit (black joggers, blue/black shorts, white T-Shirt, School hoody or School jumper and trainers).
  • Reading books are to be signed and brought in everyday. If a book is lost, there will be a charge of £5 for a replacement book.
  • Homework will be set online via Edshed or TT Rockstars
  • Make sure your child has a water bottle in school each day - year 5 is thirsty work!