OLSS Free Breakfast Club
We offer a free breakfast club to our school children. Our breakfast club starts at 8:00am and serves food until 8:30am. The last admittance is 8:40am.
The children are well supported with a variety of activities and enjoy a healthy breakfast. This helps ensure they are in and on time for school and ready to learn. Please contact the school for a registration form.
Fun4KidZ After School Club
We do not have an on-site afterschool club, but Fun4Kidz can collect your child from school and take them to Rimrose Hope School where they are based. For further details please contact them on 0151 932 9218 Email: fun4kidzclubs@hotmail.com
Extra Curricular Activities
We provide a variety of extra curriculum activities throughout the year including, Football club, Multi-skills, Drama Club, Judo Club, Gymnastic Club, Archery.
Please see the weekly newsletter for further details.