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Week 15

Hi Year 4,


I hope you are all well. What lovely weather we have had this week! I hope you were all able to sit out in the garden or in a park and enjoy it safely!


You are on to Week 15 now in your new learning packs that were to be picked up last week, so hopefully you have all collected them by now and you have made a start.


We miss you all! Keep safe!


Miss Murphy, Mrs Walsh & Ms Johnson xxx

Come and See


 In your packs, you have a bible passage to read from Luke's gospel about a lost sheep.

Watch the video below of the Parable of the Lost Sheep before you complete the questions and activity that have been set for you.



For this week in English you have some sheets to complete on suffixes, using brackets, apostrophes and another comprehension.

I have put some links and videos below to help with these and to refresh your memoy. Just try your best!




In your work packs this week, you have more work on fractions; fractions on a number line, fractions of an amount and an arithmetic worksheet to complete on the Friday.

Below are some videos to help you if you are stuck and you can also use them to check how you got on! Again, they are on Year 3 revision as it has been a while since you covered fractions and because we didn't get a chance to do them together this year. So we are just going back to basics for now!



You have also got a Geography and a Science topic to complete in your packs for this week. Don't forget to give them a go!
