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Our Lady, Star of the Sea

Catholic Primary School

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School Council

Welcome to our School Council Page


Here you will find out what we have been up to this year while we have been representing your school. 


School Councillors

Our class representatives on the School Council this year are:
Year 2 : Olivia & Lilly
Year 3 : Summer & Charlie
Year 4: Malek & Lois
Year 5: Jessica & Bobby
Year 6: Jack & Isabella







Our Lady Star of the Sea Eco Committee


Six members of our Student Council have taken on extra responsibility as part of our new Eco Committee. They are tasked with improving our eco status as part of the Sefton Green Star League as well as making a positive impact on our local environment and communities.


Our Eco Warriors are;


Ena, Oliver, Josh, Penny, Sam and Chelsea.





Fundraising for Children In Need

School Council Project 


Creating a Social Signature


We are working with our local community to be changemakers. We will be fundraising, litter picking, raising awareness, and connecting with local residents to help us achieve the Superkind Social Impact Schools Award.

