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Our Lady, Star of the Sea

Catholic Primary School

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School Council

Welcome to our School Council Page


Here you will find out what we have been up to this year while we have been representing your school. The School Council are dedicated to ensuring that the pupils of OLSS are happy, healthy and safe....


School Councillors
2023 - 2024

Our class representatives on the School Council this year are:
Year 1: Sunila & Lola
Year 2 : Paul & Florence
Year 3 : Lois & Malek
Year 4: Eogen & Ana
Year 5: Amelia & Marco
Year 6: Alex & Khaled







Our Lady Star of the Sea Eco Committee


Six members of our Student Council have taken on extra responsibility as part of our new Eco Committee. They are tasked with improving our eco status as part of the Sefton Green Star League as well as making a positive impact on our local environment and communities.


Our Eco Warriors are;


Ena, Oliver, Josh, Penny, Sam and Chelsea.





School Council Project 2024


Creating a Social Signature


We are fundraising through our upcoming Spring Enterprise Fair to raise money to improve the green space by Emmaus. We will be doing a community litter pick, providing free dog poop bags and dispenser and buying plants. We want to work with Emmaus to make our community spaces something that we can all enjoy and be proud of!

School Council STRAND project 2023 - Being safe online
