On Tuesday, there will be another home learning pack for you to collect from school. It will be better organised this time in your envelope as myself and Mrs Bellis will have had more time to put it in order. I am swapping the Romans Topic now for Science. We should have been doing Health and Movement so you will find some sheets about food and skeletons.(and an interactive skeleton to make!!!) The next pack will include different things related to this topic.
PARENTS You are doing a great job in this strange time. Please do not worry, once your child is back at school lessons will be adapted to the individual needs of your child. It is very difficult as a teacher trying to make a pack that makes sure that every child is challenged and also that is not too hard or too easy. My advice is just try your best with your child and keep telling them that they are ACE! Because..... THEY ARE!!!
I really hope to see you and your child really soon.
So for now.... KEEP SAFE
Mrs Linford AKA Spiderman