Physical Education
" Intelligence and skills can only function at the peak of their capacity when the body is healthy and strong."
John F. Kennedy
At Our Lady, Star of the Sea we value the importance that Physical Education has on the whole child’s development and an active child helps to stimulate the child’s brain and improve personal wellbeing. We are an ADHD friendly school and value every child’s achievement. We strongly encourage physical activity. Children do Star Stride every day, lessons are as active as possible with regular movement breaks. The children have the extra opportunities to take part in sport from specialists such as Yoga, Judo, Archery, 1hr swimming lessons in selected year groups and Fencing.
Physical Education helps our children to
All these attributes will help our children, not just in P.E, but in other areas of their life.
We follow the National Curriculum for PE and use GETSET4PE resources to ensure that all areas of PE are covered through different sports in each the year group.
Curriculum Overview
Our PE curriculum is taught using the Great Teaching Toolkit, 2020. We endeavour to be consistent in our approach to create a supportive environment that is inclusive. We support all our pupils using adaptive teaching techniques, Voice 21 talk tactics and oracy sentence stems. We activate hard thinking through our thinking schools’ strategies and Q Matrix questioning to bring computing to life and develop a real sense of enquiry. At Our Lady Star of the Sea, we have a consistent recipe for teaching PE which follows Rosenshine's Principles of Instruction. Children throughout their career at OLSS will have opportunities to take part in intra house team events which are inclusive ensuring every child can earn points for their team. In KS2 they will represent the school in Inter Events
Recipe for teaching at OLSS.
The impact of our PE curriculum is measured through a variety of different strategies. Ongoing teacher assessment is used throughout lessons to inform teaching. Rehearsal of previous skills taught, practice of new skills are used throughout each lesson and applied to further their understanding. Children are encouraged to analyse their own learning through personal best, watching peers and suggesting ways in which they can improve as an individual and help others. Children’s learning is monitored by regular lesson drop ins from PE Subject Leader in which constructive feedback is given to staff for future planning. PE is also monitored through pupil voice.
All of this is used to inform further curriculum developments and provision.
At Our Lady Star of the Sea Catholic Primary School, staff work closely together as a team to ensure children receive the best PE curriculum to allow them to develop a love of physical activity through inclusive activities and the opportunity to try out new sports. We encourage links with the local community encouraging children to join clubs outside of school hours.
Star of the Sea has been recognised by the School Games and has maintained Gold Status Mark for 4 years. We are aiming to achieve Platinum Award this year.