Homework and Reading Books
Reading books should be read and reading records signed every day and brought into school. Year 6 are given English and Maths each Friday to be returned the following Tuesday.
Spellings are given out each Monday and are tested on a Friday.
Names on Uniform
In order to avoid any confusion (particularly during PE lessons!), please make sure that every piece of your child's uniform, book bag and PE kit has their name or initials in them,
10:45 - 11:00
12:30 - 1:15
Snack is available at each playtime for 20p
Year 6 have PE every Monday and Wednesday. Please make sure your child has their PE kit in every day. Children will take their kits home at the end of every half term to be washed.
Each child has access to a water bottle and fresh water throughout the day and are encouraged to drink frequently to keep hydrated.
Open door policy
Communication between teachers and parents is important, please if you have anything you wish to talk about with Mrs Edey then please wait to see me at the end of the day or make an appointment at the school office.
Keeping you informed
Year 6 will display any current information in the classroom windows for your reference