Welcome to the summer term! I hope you all had a fantastic Easter and enjoyed the Easter activities. Check out our year one class blog to see what activities I got up to over the Easter holiday.
I sent a parentapp out last week explaining that we now have a blog where you and the children can keep in contact with myself and their friends too. If you click this link https://our-lady-star-of-the-sea.primarysite.blog/login/ it will take you straight to the login page. From there put in Year 1 from the drop-down menu, The username is your child's first name followed by a full stop followed by surname (for example if your name was Joe Blogs the username would be joe.blogs - all lower case letters). The password is Year1star
This will allow you to contact me with any questions you or the children may have but also to catch up, I am missing the children so much it would be lovely to hear what they have been up to and they can check out what I have been up to too.
I can't wait to hear from you.
Here are this week's activities:
This week I have set maths mini-challenges, every day for this week I would like you to practice the following:
If you wish to you can video this and post to our blog.
Check out https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-1/ for an online maths lesson one for each day of the week, if we where in school as normal we would be looking at doubling and having numbers.
In RE we would be looking at Holidays and Holydays.
Our big question is: Do we need holidays and holydays?
Have a think about these questions:
We would be starting our new book today called The Enormous Crocodile by Roald Dahl.
Here is the front cover of the book, what questions have you got about this book?
Think about our wonderwall from when we did Lost and Found, what would you like to know about this book?
It would be fantastic if you could upload your questions and ideas to our class blog.