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Our Lady, Star of the Sea

Catholic Primary School

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Mental Health and Wellbeing

As a school we are passionate about supporting the mental health and wellbeing of all our pupils. We now work in partnership with Sefton’s Mental Health Support Team which is a new service to support young people in achieving good mental wellbeing.

The service helps with a range of problems faced by young people such as low mood, anxiety, worry and friendship difficulties. The service also works to work with parents/carers to manage these difficulties by following evidence-based intervention or deliver group sessions to improve mental health.

Lucy Rothwell is our school’s Educational Mental Health Practitioner. Our school's Mental Health Lead is Ms A Richardson.


If you have any concerns about your child's mental health and wellbeing please speak to your child's class teacher to discuss further. 

Mental Health Support Autumn Term


Year 6 and Year 5 'Talking Mental Health' workshops.


Staff Training 13th October 'Emotional Dysregulation.'


Parent/Carer workshops 10th November 2pm

'Supporting your Child's Emotional Wellbeing,'

-understanding what maintains anxiety and how to support the child to become more resilient.

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