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Our Lady, Star of the Sea

Catholic Primary School

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Year 3

Welcome to Year 3


Class Teacher

Miss Jones


Teaching Assistants

 Miss Lewis and Miss Weymouth 


heartWelcome to Year 3, 2024-25heart


Happy New Year! This term is going to be action packed learning lots of exciting new things!

  • Wednesday - PE - Please make sure your child is dressed in the correct PE kit. Shorts, with black joggers over, white t-shirt with hoody or school jumper over the top and trainers
  • Friday - SWIMMING - Please make sure that your child has the correct swimming kit. Swimming costume for girls and trunks or tight short trunks for boys. Baggy shorts are not allowed. Swimming cap and goggles.
  • Reading books will be given out over the next week or two. If a book is lost, there will be a charge of £5 for a replacement book.
  • Make sure your child has a water bottle in school each day as it is thirsty work in Year 3!
  • Please ensure that any snacks for playtime are healthy. Fruit, cheese, yoghurt sticks and cereal bars are ideal. Please do not send in anything chocolatey or biscuits.
  • Please can you make sure that your child does not bring a rucksack into school as there is no storage in the cloakroom. 


Children to be collected at home time outside the classroom door.


If you would like to speak to us, please ring the office where we can arrange a call back. 


Thank you.


Miss Jones, Miss Lewis and Miss Weymouth



