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Week Twelve

Hello Year 2,

We are now in our twelfth week of home learning. I hope you have been working hard on your packs and also finding some nice things to do to fill your time. This week I have been doing some work in my garden and reading a new book.


As usual the links below will help support your home learning this week. Remember you can use the school blog or twitter to let me know how you are doing. 


Stay safe and keep smiling :)



The focus this week is revising fact families, comparing number sentences and related facts. You were really good at this when we looked at this in class. The bbc bitesize video below will help refresh your learning before you have a go at the activities.



I'd like you to revisit work on contractions this week. Contractions can be used to join two separate words in order to create one shorter word. We do this by using an apostophe to show that we have left out some letters when joing words together. For example, you can join the words you and are together to create the word you're.

Take a look at the bbc bitesize link below and watch the video to help you then have a go at some games and activities on contractions.

Come and See


Read the Prayer to the Holy Spirit attached below and think about your answers to the following questions:


  • How can we help each other do what is right?
  • Name some of the people you think pass on the Good News in their lives? (It may be saints or people in our families or our friends.)
  • If we act as God wants us to, what would the world be like? Why?

Prayer to the Holy Spirit
