This term the children will be using all of the knowledge and skills they have acquired this year to become much more independent in their learning. We will be continuing to learn about growth and change through the natural world. We will also be bringing nature into the classrooms by growing plants and observing caterpillars in their metamorphosis to butterflies. Towards the end of the term we will be preparing the children for their transitions to their next class and celebrating their time in Nursery and Reception.
Please have a look at our knowledge organiser for specific information regarding our curriculum this term for Religious Education (RED), phonics (Read, Write Inc), maths (White Rose Maths) and PSED (Jigsaw). We also have a gallery where you can see photographs of what we have been up to this term
Special events this term:
The Big Bug Experience
Teddy Bear's Picnic at Our Lady Star of the Sea Church
Sports Day
Nursery Graduation