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Our Lady, Star of the Sea

Catholic Primary School

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World Book Day 2023

Dear Parents and Carers,

World Book Day takes place on Thursday 2nd March. We hope you’ll join us as we come together to celebrate our World Book Day in school. We will be dressing up this year and would like the children to use their costumes to share their favourite books. We encourage you to use things you already have at home for the children’s costumes.


We will have lots of fun activities taking place throughout the day including:


  • Whole school assembly at 9:10am so please don’t be late (children only).


  • Reading - Please send your child’s chosen book in with them on the day so we can read it to them and their friends.


  • We’ll be hosting a book swap so please drop off any unwanted books in the box inside your child’s classroom from Monday 20th February.


  • We will also be giving out £1 book vouchers for your child to get a free £1 book. Simply take your token to your nearest bookseller and swap it for a World Book Day £1 book or get £1 off any book or audiobook costing over £2.99.


We’re very much looking forward to celebrating World Book Day, and thank you for your support.                      
